Import & Export Best Practices & Edge-Cases (Copper)

Import best practices can be viewed here:

Common Mistakes

When trying to import tags or multi-select dropdown fields, you can do so by setting them up in the following way:


  • Column name needs to be Tag and can have multiple columns named tag
  • If during import, you ever want to simply import a column as a tag, you can just set the column in the import to "Tag" (can have unlimited fields named this)
Tag Number 3
Tag Number 2
Tag number 3

Multi-Select Dropdown

  • It must all be 1 column and be broken up by semicolons
  • You do not need to do anything about spaces
  • If the value field ends with an ";" then you will need to "Fix" the value and assign it to another dropdown value. If the "Fix" field is labeled "--" then you can set it to any existing dropdown value, it will not actually add it.
  • E.g. Investor;VC;Angel;
  • It will just upload "Investor", "VC", and "Angel"
Company Role
Investor;VC;Angel;Seed;Crypto Enthusiast